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Studio Stil by Eva Daeleman // A peaceful retreat in Mechelen


"A new year, a new me." Start building on that totally relaxed version of yourself in Studio Stil. It took a while before the Yoga Craze came to Mechelen. So when this beautiful yoga studio opened its doors in the city centre it was hard for Team Lily to not pay a visit. Enjoy the tour!

In an era full of burn-outs, yoga is proven to be the perfect prevention (or healing). A little yoga never hurt nobody. The Studio Stil loft is situated in a small, cosy street. It's meant to serve as a peaceful retreat in the city. A place to come at ease.

Owner of Studio Stil is Eva Daeleman. You've probably seen her face before on television or heard her voice on the radio. These days she's known for her excellent skills on the yoga mat. The reason she got so into yoga is because it helped her getting through a burn-out. Now those days are over and she'd love to inspire others in her Studio Stil. Together with her team (Manon, Elke, Bridget, Ilse en Liesbet) she teaches yoga, meditation, life coaching, readings and massages. Sounds interesting, right?


"Studio Stil is a place where you can stand still, feel and move. Yoga is for everyone. Even if you're not flexible, can't sit stil, don't have a size zero or are a super hard worker", Eva says.


INSIDER TIP: Sandy, our photographer, has done some yoga at Studio Stil and was blown away by Eva's sweet and intreguing voice. It seems to be a perfect 'voice over' during yoga practice, so calming!

Discover all the info here.

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